Deformation arthrosis of knee combination is called Gonarthrosis in medicine - this is a degenerative-doprophic disease in the hyalin cartilage of the knee covering Femur and Tibia's air conditioners.
With the arthrosis of the knee combination, the symptoms gradually develop, the main manifestation of the disease has been pain and stiffness during the years. This is the most common disease, which is the most common disease between arthrosis and other joints, such as the armpuses and phalanges of shoulder joints.
Often the disease affects more than 40 faces, women are most sensitive to arthrosis. Sometimes young injuries or athletes are developing in young people in young people.
The symptoms of knee artosis.
A serious disease (the arthritis of bones, joints) can be several signs, and not all does not happen at a time, but gradually the cartilage tissues are destroyed.
Review the signs of arthrosis of knee joint in all stages of the disease.
At the initial stage, the patient has a minimum concern, but a little, but a very sharp pain in the middle of the knee begins to seem quite acute pain. A problem becoming a trip or a long walk becomes problematic. In addition, the pain enduring the body begins to aggravate, and after some physical or sedentary positions, when there is a load on the bottom of the legs, it is concerned about the knees. In such cases, they feel a sharp pain in the cartilage or the knee. Such pain will quickly return to the leaves, but each time.
In the next stage of the disease, not only painful feelings are developed, but also begin to change the knee. Kartilagin can be spherical and slightly swollen due to the liquid collected liquid.
In addition, everything is worse. If the disease is not treated, the process of blood circulation is worried about the knee, the hyaline area of cartilage will begin to collapse and the cartilage will begin to collapse, and various types of growth will begin to appear in the bone structure. At this stage, the movement of the cartilage is already very difficult and every step is given to a person with difficulty. The walk occurs in practicalism and anxiety, cartilage degeneration.
The final stage of the disease is completely affected by the knee joint, and in such a crawsts fabric in the knee, and in such actions in such acts of support cannot completely sit and stand.
- Symptoms that have to react. Pain in the knee, walking or squabies, when the feet occurred, when the feet are taken soon, a person should react when their feet take place quickly.
- What to do if the joints hurt? If the knees began to hurt or sit and sit and sit in the trophies, please consult a doctor immediately. Do not wait until your knee joint strikes and knee cartilage completely, go to the doctor as soon as you feel the first symptoms of the disease. Remember that the disease has completely impressed the cartilage tissue, the deformation of the bone is the deformation, and no pain, nor the night or without walking or already.
- When will you contact a rheumatologist? One person should be addressed to the first manifestations of the disease (symptoms) to a revatement.
- Basic symptoms of arthrosis. The main symptoms of the knee arcto in the knee arctic you have to build your attention: sitting or lying, when sitting or lying, or the pain of any intensity or knee in a knee; Pain that manifests itself in knee pinches during the stairs; The formation of pain syndrome immediately after a human rest position, for example, as soon as he sat and begins to move.
Reasons for arthrosis of knee joint.
The arthrosis of the knee joint can hit a person for a number of reasons - this is wet (wear cartilage) and intense physical therapy and different types of knee injuries and more.
The main reasons for the development of Arthososis:
- Overweight.
- Old age.
- Hereditary.
- Osteoporosis.
- Lack of vitamins and vitamins and useful trace elements necessary for vitamins and bones.
- Special work with permanent loads of knees.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Sports (Intensive Training, Load to one leg or both feet).
- Knee injuries.
To avoid disability, you should consult a rheumatologist in a timely manner for a qualified assistance.
What happens to the joint with Arthrosis.
At each stage of the disease, its changes occur in cartilage, knees and bones.
Thus, at the beginning of the development of the disease, the cartilage was softened, very sensitive. Gradually increasing micocrats and small tears, the joints appear on the surface of the joints. The next stage - cartilage begins to grow in and thick. The last stage is the integrity of the combination or completely destroyed the cartilage in a certain part.
Artrosy of knee joint, disease rate
All rheumatologists reveal the three degrees of human directories.
First. This is characterized by a slight combination of direct compounds with a slight contraction of the nests, which leads to light anxiety and the actions are not restricted.
The second. On top of that, the formation of cracks, osteoophy and cysts between compounds, the appearance of a strong crisis in the knees, it.
The third and end. On top of that, there is a change in the forms of osteophytes, partial or complete change of bones (destruction), the movement in the knees of the feet is impossible.
- 1 degree artrosis of knee joint. At this stage, the disease only emerges, cartilage is almost intact and the bones are not deformed. In this case, people feel a little in knee sticks, even with light loads of light up to the leg. These pains have passed, but then it occurs again and again, passes and re-visual, no longer more often, due to the observation of patients, will begin without using any pill and ovens.
- Knee joint 2 degree arthrosis. This stage is already characterized by somewhat major pain compared to the initial stage. If the pain is only an intense burden, it is also happening with ordinary walking when rising from the seating position. Starts to hear a different crisis of the knees. It is already gradually, slowly or intensively in the specified stage) (depending on the individuality of the body), jointly deformed, human action is limited.
- Knee joint 3 degree arthrosis. In the end and this, the degree of our disease, expresses a lot of symptoms, and the pain in the combination of knees is permanent and the modification of the bones is already noticeable. Human mobility is almost completely limited, it is very difficult to choose a comfortable position for the patient itself, the pain is not cut.
General symptoms include:
- When a person moves (the beginning of the disease), the feeling of pain in the cups of knees;
- Pain in the affected areas of strengthening every day;
- night pain in the knee joints;
- edema in areas affected by the disease;
- The rough dry crisis of the knees;
- Deformation of bones in areas affected by the disease.
The main signs of the artery of the knee joint
The main (basic, according to doctors' symptoms of Artrosis are four.
These include:
- pain during the movement of the knees;
- Dry crisis in affected places;
- Patient legs decrease in ability to move;
- External (full or in part) the affected areas change.
- Diagnosis and treatment of arthrosis of knee joint.
After carefully examining the patient, the rheumatologist evaluates, converts their views to changes in the fields in the areas of one knee or both or direct mobility. The test method determines the places of pain and crisis, as well as the intensity of these pain.
In addition to an x -ra for the patient, the doctor sets the calculated tomography and (or) MR. These studies need to properly diagnose and determine the correct treatment.
The treatment of arthrosis of any stage of knee joint includes:
- Methods of treatment using drugs;
- Treatment techniques using exercise therapy and special physiotherapy;
- Treatment methods using the most common massage;
- Surgery.
Thing that gives effective therapy.
Effective therapy designated by a doctor:
- Extraction of acute pain;
- Rehabilitation of the destroyed thorny tissue (the result depends on the degree of disease);
- joint mobility increased.
In the elimination of Knee Artrosis, training therapy plays a special role, plays a special diet based on legumes and dairy products and massage. If the therapy for a reason or other has not shown any results, the patient supends a transaction to install a special prosthetic substitute.
The artery of cartilage tissues (cartilage composition) in the middle of the knee, which is an authorized treatment (cartilage composition) in the middle of the knee, which is determined by a royaltist, includes a whole drug complex. This treatment complex usually includes:
- The nesteroid, inflammation, aims to delete drugs.
- Chondroprotants.
- Special creams or ointments.
- Therapeutic agents are made based on which compresses.
Most, doctors for the treatment of knee cartolary arthrosis, indometacin, any production, ketoprofen, diclofenak, pyrochard and others ibuprofenini.
The appointment of these drugs helps to quickly eliminate the pain that the patient can start effective treatment in other ways - massage, medical training, etc.
When it comes to ovens, use these drugs (creams) and gels in the form of gels) and gels (creams) and gels) (massage actions) in the form of the patient.
A list of special gels and ointments - The external drugs in the modern pharmacological market are very wide and varied, so the patient can choose the most suitable and effective in the doctor's recommendation.
- Treated with a burdok or most ordinary burdock. To treat (the three layers of the layer are better to take on the painful knee, and wrap on any pharmacy or sold in the bandage.
- Celandine will help Celandine with an arthrobis and juice of the plant. You need to buy or get Celandine water in yourself. It is saturated with such water with a canvas or another natural fabric, apply it to the painful place for 45-55 minutes. Log out the bandag, immediately lubricate the play with any vegetable oil. Repeat treatment for at least 10 days, then give the same pause and repeat the course again.
- Treatment of arthrosis by a dandelion. It is necessary to make a collection of a bunch of blossoms for such therapy. To obtain the correct effect, people's healers ate five dandelion flowers in an empty stomach, and recommend it to washed and washed in it. In addition, you can make a special grinding infusion of Dandelion flowers. To do this, the previously tied with boiling water, which is full of half-dandelion flowers and (the second half of the bank) is poured by any triple cologne and (second half of the bank). The product is placed in a dark place and attached to the bottom of the lid. After 30 days, infusion can be used to rub painful spots. Garbage movements are performed clockwise for a knee in 20-30 seconds.
After using these compresses, about 75% of patients have a significant development, decrease in pain, and a characteristic crust of the knees completely disappear.
If necessaryRemember that recipes for traditional drugs do not follow the disease, can provide a therapeutic course of drug treatment by making this course more effective.
If you are preparing for one of the traditional medicines or prepare raw materials for such a means, it is better to get such components independently or ask people to collect plants (people's healers, grandmothers).
A special place in the treatment of arthrosis in the knees is occupied by special therapeutic gymnastics (exercise therapy). It is appointed to patients regardless of the process of treatment to improve the flow and blood flow in an affected region, increase muscle strength and prevent contracts. Are shown in conjunction with the use of special drugs.
LFC for Arthrosis is nothing, a special treatment, a helper to fight against the disease, along with special medicines.
Several exercises of therapeutic gymnastics for treatment and prevention:
- Need to go to a difficult place (floor). Turn and immediately extend the knees with both legs at a time. It is recommended to repeat 3-5 minutes as often as possible in one day. The truck on both feet must be the same.
- It is recommended to repeat such actions every day, such as stretches, lying on the ground, on the ground. Exercises should not cause anxiety, and it is better to give up such a training with pain.
- Behind, stretching in a solid place, turning to the stomach, by tilting another leg on your knees. These actions on the daily basis will help you remove you from the risk zone. Exercises are recommended every day to repeat 3-4 minutes as often as possible. The load on both legs should be the same as in the first case.
If you combine therapeutic classes with a special massage, an exercise therapy will benefit more for the treatment of artabual knee cartilage.
The patient can occur in 7-10 days in the situation with the use of physiotherapy exercises.
If you can't do training therapy yourself, it is better to give up exercises.
After the fall, I would like to discover the first signs of the disease, and this is pain and a crisis in the knee joints, and I would like to see the doctor immediately and start with medications.
A diet that will help with arthrosis.
If you find an arthrosis immediately or consider the diet of your ordinary diet to prevent disease. Must have a steamed bowl or boiled in a daily diet. Foods, which have a useful impact on bones, ligaments, joints and cartilage, are used in cooking. Such Products Inlude: All Legumes, Cottage Cheese, Hard Varieties of Cheese, Soup, Baked Fish, Baked Fish, Hazelnuts, Almonds, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Carrots, Broccoli and Caulliflower, Prepared on the Basis of Bones.
A diet described above should be used in combination with medications, medical training and massage for effective treatment, not a method of special treatment.
The arterry of the knee joint is a disease that hereditary tendency is very pronounced. So if you are a woman, your mother suffers from osteoarthritis in any form (not in any knees), the possibility of obtaining this disease is 2-3 times higher. If you have sisters and they are also sick with arthrosis, then his appearance is even more.
In addition, there are diseases that are a hereditary tendency affected by connective tissue - for example, so much -called collagen with a sticer syndrome. In the presence of such defects of the collagen - an item that is part of the ligaments - the likelihood of developing the disease is growing.
The causes of partial directory arthrosis are adjacent to the diseases of the Endocrine system: Diabetes Mellitus, lack of female sex hormones in menopause and a number of other terms.
Unfortunately, the high man is the highest risk of osteoarthrosis. This is due to the aging of the cartilage's ability and restoration of the ability to fall and deteriorate metabolism in joints.
Thus, at the age of 45, this disease suffers more than 1, 5 to 3-4% of the population, almost every third person is sick (30%). The frequency of the development of the disease at the age of 65 is jumped up to 80 or more percent!
In addition, the development of the disease in adult patients is not only itself, but also hormonal changes. Thus, the likelihood of the development of osteoarthritis in women in menopause is growing sharply. This is due to the regulation of metabolism processes - women's sex hormones - women's sex hormones - joints, cartilage, bones and ligaments. When small (when menopause), the metabolism in these tissues is deteriorating and increases the risk of osteoarthrosis.
Inflammation of the knee combination (arthritis, more accurate, drivers) is one of the most common reasons for gonarthrosis. Unfortunately, the majority of microorganisms that cause penetration to the combination and deform the delicate cartilage of inflammation. At the same time, the nutrition is significantly deteriorating, and the form of hurriculang surfaces of the bones varies, etc.
For all these reasons, the normal slip of cartilage in articular bones is concerned. This causes the extra trauma of the cartilage, condemns the volume of joint movements and creates a very fertile ground for the development of osteoarthrosis until the end.
Another common cause of the disease is the presence of duties and surgical interventions. Very often there are both, the other - for example, the operation of the meniscus is carried out as a result of sports damage. The normal function of the merger is broken, cartilage changes, intensify in atypical places, and as a result, the knee is becoming osteoarthrosis.
Cartilage fabric in combinations is one of the foods that do not occur through the delivery of nutrients through blood vessels. "It is eaten" by the spread of nutrients from the cinematable substances from the synovial fluid, as well as the same principle.
This is a very delicate and fragile mechanism, so it can break and stop it if different metabolic disorders occur in the body. Therefore, some diseases that metabolism in the body are great concerns can contribute to osteoarthrosis contribution.
Such diseases include primary and secondary gout, joint chondromatosis, hemoncropose, button, as well as Wilson-Konovalov disease and a number of other diseases. In addition, endocrine diseases can also affect this group, as well as the whole body metabolism - Diabetes Mellitus and menopause are the absence of women's sexual hormones (estrogen).
As noted, the food of the cartilage is a very thin mechanism that increases only metabolism problems, but also loads loaded in knee joints.
This is often by intensive sports, as well as a person's work in high physical activity, along with the ability to sit and rest for a long time.
At the same time, certain muscle groups (eg the lower leg and thigh muscles) are excessive. In these muscles and joints, nutrition worsens, that is, there are no problems with metabolism in the cartilage, and there are no time to restore the combination of the compound.
The arthropist of the knee joint should be differentiated by similar symptoms, rheumatic, inflammatory and some other diseases.
To do this, a standard exam standard, a standard examination standard, which includes a standard examination standard, the general biochemical blood test, x-radiographic examination, MRI and ultraction, was adopted.
A blood test with Arthrosis does not reveal significant deviations from the norm. In the blood, an increase in the level of immune cells and antibodies usually shows another disease.
Because arthrosis does not manifest in analyzes in any way, it is the only reliable way to diagnose it.
X -Ray, as the most common and is the cheapest examination, can identify Artrosis and its phase relatively.
Structural changes are clearly different in the joints and bones. X -Ray examine allows you to detect structural deformities and identify imperfections on articular surfaces.
For a reliable determination of gonarthrosis and X -Ray for development phase, an additional examination is used with an additional examination: ultrasound, MRI or CT devices.
The diagnosis of arthrosis is designed to ensure that the disease is clearly detected in the early stages of development, which will be effective.
Unfortunately, due to the characteristics of the disease, the effectiveness of this approach is less: patients tend to not pay attention to weak pain and light chroma, and they are already taking a doctor in a second or third stage of gonarthrosis.
Preventive measures aims to eliminate risk factors that cause arthrosis.
It is recommended to engage in average physical activity. In this case, the possible injury, extreme injury, excessive and hypothermia should be prevented.
As mentioned above, there was no contact between the risk of diet and arthrosis development.
However, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of salty and spicy dishes, alcohol and cigarettes: it will improve the general condition of the body and reduces the burden.
With the participation of a family history, a genetic tendency should pass a physical examination regularly. In general, the prevention of the arthropist is to carry a moderate lifestyle. It is important that the disease does not start a doctor with the slightest suspicion of Arthropist.